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Rewiring Your Wellness Blog
A Growing Resource for Community, Connection & Inspiration
Welcome! We are blessed to have so many talented writers and retrainers here whom are so generously sharing their insights, stories and inspirations with us. Below you will find the the themes that our writers have posted their series of posts on. Within each them are 2-4 posts on that topic. ENJOY!
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Candy Widdifield
May 16, 20223 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Practical Strategies for Simplifying
A couple of blogs ago we discussed the importance of simplifying when it comes to brain retraining practices. Today we are going to talk...
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Candy Widdifield
May 9, 20223 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Navigating Rough Patches
If you have been experiencing an increase in symptoms or anxiety lately and are finding it difficult to make progress, you are not alone....
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Candy Widdifield
May 2, 20227 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Insights from my own experience
Q: Can you share with us some tips you learned from your own experience of recovery? A: Absolutely! As I was reflecting on this question,...
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Candy Widdifield
Apr 25, 20222 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Flow States
Positive Psychologist Mihaly Csizentmihalyi describes the flow state as a state of mind where the person becomes fully immersed in an...
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Candy Widdifield
Apr 18, 20228 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: What drives your behaviour?
In the last blog we talked a little about the driving forces of needing to do things perfectly and not feeling good enough. Today we are...
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Tessa Malcarne
Apr 17, 20228 min read
Common Coaching Questions I See
1. "Can a Coach Help Me?" This is a question I obviously would not see during a one-on-one coaching session, but is something I am...
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Candy Widdifield
Apr 11, 20224 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Simplifying
I have been hearing more and more often from clients that they are feeling overwhelmed, unsure of which tools to use when, and struggling...
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Candy Widdifield
Apr 4, 20223 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Retraining with Children
Q: I was born with Mast Cell Activation Syndrome (MCAS) which I now understand is a limbic condition and have had food and chemical...
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Luanne Hopkinson
Mar 15, 20225 min read
Which brain retraining program should I choose? How to choose what's right for you.
You have reviewed all the options, so now it's time to pick a program. How do you pick the best one? Well, no one program is best, and...
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Candy Widdifield
Mar 7, 20222 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Working with Mold & Dissociation
Q: I'm sure you have worked with a lot of people that had experiences with mold. Is it possible for you to share how we can retrain and...
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Candy Widdifield
Feb 28, 20223 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: The understanding behind hormone imbalances
Q: Could you explain why the root cause of hormone imbalance symptoms (in this case hashimotos & menopause hot flashes) is a limbic...
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Candy Widdifield
Feb 21, 20223 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Overfocusing on knowledge & comparing programs
Q: There is no one size fits all approach to brain retraining. DNRS recommends reading and learning as much as you can about the brain...
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Luanne Hopkinson
Feb 14, 20225 min read
Spot the Difference - comparing brain retraining programs.
today I talk about the biggest differences, between the different brain retraining programs from my experience.
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Candy Widdifield
Feb 14, 20223 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Tips for long term retrainers, important areas for focus
Q: Do you have any tips for long term retrainers on how they can change their rounds to better suit the individual? What are the most key...
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Candy Widdifield
Feb 7, 20223 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Visualizations, Quieting the Nervous System
Q: Do you have any suggestions for how to stretch out the visualizations so they last longer? I'm finding that my rounds are getting...
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Candy Widdifield
Jan 31, 20223 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Energy levels, Limbic issue vs illness, Restless Leg Syndrome
Happy 2022! It is a new year and a new chapter. I hope the year has started out well for everyone! Q: How do you identify whether...
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Katie Nickerson
Jan 23, 20223 min read
Is Perfectionism Hindering Your Progress?
Welcome to the 3rd post in the Patterns that Hinder Progress blog series. (If you missed the first two posts, you can find them here and...
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Candy Widdifield
Dec 13, 20215 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Dealing with Anger & Finding well-regulated people
Q: When is it appropriate to allow oneself to experience emotion such as anger? I find that there are times it seems genuinely...
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Candy Widdifield
Apr 12, 20215 min read
Dear Candy Q & A - Core Beliefs
Q: Where in your opinion do core beliefs about being unlovable, unworthy, not good enough, or cast aside by others come from? Do they...
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Candy Widdifield
Apr 6, 20213 min read
Dear Candy Q & A - Tips & tools for those new to rewiring
1) Be clear on the underlying principles of what you are doing. Neuro-rehabilitation, or brain retraining, regardless of what program or...
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