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Rewiring Your Wellness Blog
A Growing Resource for Community, Connection & Inspiration
Welcome! We are blessed to have so many talented writers and retrainers here whom are so generously sharing their insights, stories and inspirations with us. Below you will find the the themes that our writers have posted their series of posts on. Within each them are 2-4 posts on that topic. ENJOY!
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Candy Widdifield
Aug 26, 20237 min read
Last Post of Dear Candy: The Vagus Nerve
Next month will be the 3 year anniversary since the Rewiring Your Wellness online conference and I have decided it is time to move my...
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Candy Widdifield
May 22, 20235 min read
Dear Candy Q&A: Insomnia & Chronic Pain
I currently have a few spaces available for new coaching clients, so if you would like some one on one support, please email me at...
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Candy Widdifield
Apr 24, 20233 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Frustration with Progress
Q: I constantly interrupt my pops (automatic negative thoughts) but they don't stop. I've tried many different strategies but none seem...
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Candy Widdifield
Apr 10, 20233 min read
Dear Candy Q&A: Biggest Roadblocks to Recovery
The two biggest roadblocks that slow recovery for people are: 1) not catching & interrupting the automatic negative thoughts, and 2) not...
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Candy Widdifield
Apr 3, 20231 min read
Dear Candy Q&A: Blessings for Healing
I recently completed a training through the Art of Living Foundation that allows me to offer blessings for healing on behalf of his...
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Candy Widdifield
Mar 27, 20234 min read
Dear Candy Q&A: Re-Defining Happiness
What does it mean to be happy? The answer to that question depends entirely upon whom you are asking. How we answer that question for...
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Candy Widdifield
Feb 27, 20233 min read
Dear Candy Q&A: Exercise to Help Identify Limiting Beliefs
There have been many questions around how to identify and work with limiting beliefs. Here is an exercise to help you with that. This...
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Candy Widdifield
Jan 30, 20235 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Catching Missed Thoughts
Q: I still feel like I am missing pops. Are there some typical pops (negative thoughts) that many people miss or are very subtle so are...
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Elaine W
Jan 12, 20232 min read
Welcome the original self, the authentic True Self! This is the season when we reclaim all that is good and true - our innate okayness,...
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Elaine W
Dec 8, 20223 min read
This is the scariest season! It calls for courage and trust. As with the spring, this Season of Transformation can have false starts and...
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Candy Widdifield
Nov 28, 20224 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Things That Affect Our Thinking
We know how important it is for recovery not to entertain automatic negative thoughts, POPs, or symptoms thought patterns (the language...
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Candy Widdifield
Nov 14, 20222 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: The Importance of Pacing
Pacing is a common struggle for many retrainers. It is so easy to fall into the pattern of overdoing it when we feel energized and then...
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Candy Widdifield
Oct 31, 20223 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: People-Pleasing & Peacemaking
When discussing the typical characteristics that often play a role in limbic system dysfunction, the focus is generally on the...
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Candy Widdifield
Oct 17, 20224 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Everyone Struggles Sometimes. How Are You Handling It?
There are ups and downs to retraining much like there are ups and downs as we journey through life. There is a tendency among brain...
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Candy Widdifield
Sep 5, 20223 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Not waiting until you're better to start enjoying life
A recent conversation with a coaching client reminded me of this important principle (which so often goes unheeded). We don't need to...
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Candy Widdifield
Jul 14, 20223 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: The Silver Lining
Sorry this is late! I scheduled the post to upload on Monday but for some reason it didn't. Better late than never! :) As we've touched...
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Candy Widdifield
Jul 4, 20221 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Celebrate!
As we celebrate Canada Day and Independence Day, it is also a good time to acknowledge and celebrate progress and successes. In some...
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Candy Widdifield
Jun 27, 20225 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Retraining without support or while caring for others
This week's blog is particularly for retrainers who have very little or no support while they are in the process of retraining, and for...
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Katie Nickerson
Jun 2, 20223 min read
Is a "Fixing" Mindset Hindering Your Progress?
One mindset that is unhelpful in limbic system retraining is the “fixing mindset.” This mindset is rooted in the belief that there is...
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Candy Widdifield
May 9, 20223 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Navigating Rough Patches
If you have been experiencing an increase in symptoms or anxiety lately and are finding it difficult to make progress, you are not alone....
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