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Rewiring Your Wellness Blog
A Growing Resource for Community, Connection & Inspiration
Welcome! We are blessed to have so many talented writers and retrainers here whom are so generously sharing their insights, stories and inspirations with us. Below you will find the the themes that our writers have posted their series of posts on. Within each them are 2-4 posts on that topic. ENJOY!
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Candy Widdifield
Jun 26, 20232 min read
Dear Candy Q&A: The Quality of Our Mind
Join me on Zoom July 8th at 9am Pacific/12pm Eastern for a live Q&A and have your questions answered in real time! Here is the link to...
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Candy Widdifield
Jun 12, 20231 min read
Dear Candy Q&A: Free Breath Work & Meditation Workshop
Join me and one of the amazing Art of Living Foundation instructors this Saturday for a breath work and meditation experience that will...
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Candy Widdifield
Apr 24, 20233 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Frustration with Progress
Q: I constantly interrupt my pops (automatic negative thoughts) but they don't stop. I've tried many different strategies but none seem...
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Candy Widdifield
Apr 10, 20233 min read
Dear Candy Q&A: Biggest Roadblocks to Recovery
The two biggest roadblocks that slow recovery for people are: 1) not catching & interrupting the automatic negative thoughts, and 2) not...
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Candy Widdifield
Apr 3, 20231 min read
Dear Candy Q&A: Blessings for Healing
I recently completed a training through the Art of Living Foundation that allows me to offer blessings for healing on behalf of his...
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Candy Widdifield
Mar 27, 20234 min read
Dear Candy Q&A: Re-Defining Happiness
What does it mean to be happy? The answer to that question depends entirely upon whom you are asking. How we answer that question for...
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Candy Widdifield
Mar 13, 20235 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: The Freeze Response
Q: "(Can you write) about the freeze response? I think a lot of re-trainers experience it and I’m certainly experiencing a lot more of it...
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Candy Widdifield
Feb 27, 20233 min read
Dear Candy Q&A: Exercise to Help Identify Limiting Beliefs
There have been many questions around how to identify and work with limiting beliefs. Here is an exercise to help you with that. This...
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Candy Widdifield
Feb 13, 20234 min read
Dear Candy Q&A: Are you Addicted to your Emotions?
I heard the wonderful Joe Dispenza do a live talk the other week, and in listening to him I was reminded about how our brains get...
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Candy Widdifield
Jan 16, 20234 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Working with Persistent Negative Thoughts/POPS
Q: You wrote about an exercise to cultivate the curious observer and suggested that we do retraining around the thoughts that pulled us...
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Elaine W
Jan 12, 20232 min read
Welcome the original self, the authentic True Self! This is the season when we reclaim all that is good and true - our innate okayness,...
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Candy Widdifield
Jan 2, 20233 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Hope and Commitment
During the silent meditation retreat I recently attended we were given some beautiful pieces of wisdom. Today I will share with you some...
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Candy Widdifield
Dec 12, 20224 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Staying Centered In the Midst of Chaos
The holiday season is a time where many of us are out of our usual routine. Perhaps we have company or family staying with us, or...
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Elaine W
Dec 8, 20223 min read
This is the scariest season! It calls for courage and trust. As with the spring, this Season of Transformation can have false starts and...
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Candy Widdifield
Nov 28, 20224 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Things That Affect Our Thinking
We know how important it is for recovery not to entertain automatic negative thoughts, POPs, or symptoms thought patterns (the language...
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Candy Widdifield
Oct 17, 20224 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Everyone Struggles Sometimes. How Are You Handling It?
There are ups and downs to retraining much like there are ups and downs as we journey through life. There is a tendency among brain...
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Candy Widdifield
Sep 19, 20222 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Rewiring With a Diagnosed Brain Condition
Q: I was reading an article about the science behind the brain of chronic conditions and you mentioned that there is nothing wrong with...
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Candy Widdifield
Aug 22, 20222 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: Are You Clear on Your Goals?
When asked what they want out of brain retraining, people often say they want to feel better or to be able to engage more in life. This...
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Candy Widdifield
Aug 8, 20223 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: How You See Yourself Matters
Hello everyone! A couple of things before we get to today's blog: 1) after this week I will be posting every second week instead of...
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Candy Widdifield
Jun 13, 20227 min read
Dear Candy Q & A: The Science Behind Brain Function During Chronic Conditions
Last post I stated I would offer a brief recap to help promote our understanding of what is happening in the brain that results in...
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