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Which brain retraining program should I choose? How to choose what's right for you.

Writer: Luanne HopkinsonLuanne Hopkinson

Updated: Aug 7, 2023

You have reviewed all the options, so now it's time to pick a program. How do you pick the best one? Well, no one program is best, and many people have had great results from them all! At this stage, it's really about just getting started on the program that calls to you the most.

So, find out more about the program. Who is the instructor? Can you watch a few videos on their website or YouTube so you can get a feel for them? Choose an instructor who you feel is easy to listen to and find their information speaks to you. If you pick someone with a complex impressive program, but you can't easily implement it, that's not going to help!

Do you resonate with the ethos of the program, the main ideas they present in blog posts, videos, etc? Do you have brain fog, fatigue, or other symptoms that might make one program easier to understand than the next? Gupta for example is very slow-paced, whereas DNRS is a faster immersive style. Will you be able to easily get support if you are stuck halfway through the program? Some courses don't allow access to coaches until you have completed the full program - however, you can get independent coaching to help if you are stuck! Do you prefer a big program with loads of people or a smaller program with more individual attention and smaller groups?

Which way is the right way?

Now you may not find a program that ticks all the boxes, or you may just be at rock bottom and don't care as long as it works!

The important thing to note is that no matter what program you choose, you won't really know what it's like until you are in it. And buying a program is no guarantee of success. Implementation is key here. The people who have had symptom improvement and got back into living their new lives have one thing in common - persistence.

Fear is also something to be aware of when making your choice. Are you afraid it won't work? Or are you afraid of success? Making a decision when we are in a state of a maladapted stress response and negatively biased brain will have us looking for all the reasons why it won't work. Do any of these sound familiar?

  • I'm different.

  • No one else has been sick as long as I have and has recovered.

  • The doctor said I have XYZ and there is no cure.

  • I read some blog posts and forum comments saying it does not work.

  • I can't find anyone who recovered who has exactly the same situation as me.

  • I tried XYZ and it didn't work.

  • I don't have time.

  • I'm too old/young/stressed/broken/fill in your thought here.

I'm here to let you know these are all normal expressions of the negative bias in our brain and are often called limbic resistance. Your brain is trying to keep you in your comfort zone. Even if our current situation is scary, painful, and uncomfortable, the fear centers of your brain would rather stay put than take a risk.

Better the devil you know - yes or no?

Having that awareness gives you a chance to take your first stab at neural rewiring! What are those thoughts and fears? Are they true? Like really really true? And what if they are not? What if you have a go, in a gentle, slow self-paced manner that allows you (and your brain) to stay safe and work within its existing capacity. What if you are in control of this process, and you can learn something empowering that will help you steer your body towards health?

Each day we begin again.

If you are scared of success it might be helpful to find out why. What am I afraid of? Having to work again? Go to places I have been avoiding? Deal with people? Well like the Pantene commercial - it won't happen overnight, but it will happen. You won't have to suddenly do everything tomorrow, healing is at a different pace for everyone, and we get there when we get there.

I often use Transformative MAP coaching sessions to help rewire fears with my clients that might be blocking progress. You can also take time to talk with those fears, in a compassionate way, to understand what they need and work out how to give it to them. They may need to go slow, take time and get support to feel comfortable with the idea of change.

It won't happen overnight, but it will happen!

Ultimately the choice is yours, and you need to do what's right for you and your health. No external person can really convince you otherwise. If you are really keen and stuck between a couple of options - flip a coin! Whatever it says goes. If that decision does not feel right then you have got your answer, and if it does, then let's get started!

If you review my journey you will see that one course is often not the solution either. In my experience, it is useful and often necessary to hear the same information again from a different angle, or add on more support and tools as you progress. What we need at day one of our brain retraining journey is very different from what we may need at the 6-month, 1 year, and 2-year points. At 2.5 years into my journey, what I do now to look after and retrain my nervous system is very different to me at 3 months in. I also have a much better understanding of my brain and body and have integrated the core concepts in such a way that a dip or symptoms have no power over me, as I choose to live and enjoy my life, at around the 90% recovered mark, and knowing I can continue to heal.

What we need at day one is very different from what we may need at 6, 12, or 18 months

There are many programs to help you, whether you choose Gupta, DNRS, Primal Trust, VitalSide, ANS Rewire, or work with me in the BrainFood course or the Happy Without Histamine Method which includes 1:1 support, you will make a great choice! You can add on more tools and support at stages of your healing process with independent coaching, adding in another program, exploring meditation, breathwork, and laughter yoga, or adding on programs like Elevate or tools such as the Safe and Sound protocol.

As neuroscience becomes more well-known and has more research studies to back it up, we will see the use of neuroscience in many different aspects of our lives. I hope one day this information will be taught in primary schools. Until then, there is a wide range of course options available to you all you need to do is pick one and get started!

Check out my earlier posts on my journey, and program similarities and differences to find out more. Happy retraining and much love.


Luanne Hopkinson is a Nutritionist, Neuroplasticity Coach, iRest Level 1 Meditation teacher, and certified Safe and Sound Protocol practitioner.

Luanne helps people get back to health and full food freedom using the tools she learned in her own wellness journey and her experience in clinical practice.

Based in sunny Australia, you can find out more about Luanne at or

Links to the programs discussed and coaching with Luanne:

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sandra ewing
sandra ewing
Aug 31, 2023

I would like to know which program is best for pain in your opinion?


Melanie&Jeremy J
Melanie&Jeremy J
Aug 07, 2023

Thanks for writing all these information regarding different limbic retraining systems. I started with DNRS. Def not for me. Gupta was next. I did the trial and I find it was better for me but I had other factors that may or may not have influenced why I also want keen on it. A year later, decided to try ANS Rewire. I’m trying to understand the differences of why ANS resonates with me. I can say the first part of the program was largely discussing how things worked in a more scientific manner. Most of the info I already knew but connected the dots of how my TBI from mycotoxins has affected the actual brain. He didn’t say t…

Luanne Hopkinson
Luanne Hopkinson
Aug 08, 2023
Replying to

Hi! Thanks for your insights. I have not personally done ANS rewire, so I am not able to comment on the differences between that program and others. I found for myself, I also like the more scientific approach and use this in the course I created BrainFood and also in the Happy Without Histamine Method program. For me the understanding of WHY is the most important thing! If we really understand that when we are in fight, flight or freeze our brain is deprioritizing our digestive systems, detox systems, hormone and immune systems as they are not needed if we are running from a tiger. What is needed is our muscles to run or fight - so we get muscle…

The content in this website and in the Rewiring Wellness Retreat are for informational purposes only, and are not a substitute for medical diagnosis, treatment or advice. Please consult a physician or other health care provider prior to using any information or resources contained on or through this website.
We are not affiliated in any with DNRS or any other brain retraining program

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